Single Classes
For ongoing yoga and fitness classes:
- $16 – $18 per class
- Student rate: $15
- Scholarship Supporter rate: $20
Pre-registration is required for each class
Cash, Venmo, and checks payable to Shelburne Falls Yoga are welcome. In order to keep costs lower, we do not accept credit card payments for studio classes. Venmo to “Kate Pousont Scarborough” (@shelburnefallsyoga). Please note class date and time with your payment.
Pay anywhere along the scale as it works for you. Thank you for your support!
Three Month Class Cards
- 8 class card for $120 ($15 per class)
- 16 class card for $232 ($14.50 per class)
- 24 Class Card: $336 ($14 per class)
Class cards are available at the studio and can be purchased prior to your class. Pre-registration is required for each class.The cards are valid for three months from date of purchase, with some flexiblitly to allow for absensces or cancellations due to illness.
Class cards and gift certificates can be used for any ongoing yoga or fitness class, online or at the studio. Tai Chi, Qigong, and other series classes or workshops are not included. Payment for these guest offerings can be made directly to each instructor.
Online Classes
Standard class rates are suggested, but we will continue with the “pay from the heart model” for those who need, no questions asked. We are using the honor system for all online classes. Pay what you are able & keep track at home.
For payment for online classes, pay by venmo, credit card, or mail a check made payable to Shelburne Falls Yoga to 49 Conway St. Suite G201, Shelburne Falls MA 01370
For venmo: Kate Pousont Scarborough/ @shelburnefallsyoga
For credit card via paypal (for online classes only please):
Scholarship & Work-Study Options
Some scholarships, as well as reduced-fee and work study positions, are available for those who need this option in order to join us in class. Contact Kate Pousont Scarborough at , and we can set up a plan. We understand that yoga classes do not fit every budget and aim to make the studio availalbe to all, regardless of financial circumstances.