Beth (she/her/them) is a decades-long student of body mobility and flow. She earned a black belt (that’s the equivalent of a Phd!) in Poekoelan, an incredibly beautiful, circular and fluid style of Kung Fu. Helping her students find their own flow, longevity, stamina and poise is what drives her to connect through movement. In her role as a Martial Arts and Self Defense instructor, Beth frequently works –with compassion and presence– with folks who have a history of trauma.

Beth Paulson
Her newest passion is Kinetix, a lesser-known body healing modality that focus is on the body’s connective tissues. Releasing adhesions in the fascia system can result in pain reduction, or in the increased flow of blood, lymph, or chemical messages throughout the body.
Beth is a systems thinker –everything is connected!– and also practices ecological and Permaculture Design, and the “house-as-a-system” energy efficiency / healthy home modality. She consults and teaches about both. Listening to the forest, water, and wind round out most days.